Contact and Legal Notice

Office Addresses

g10 Code GmbH
Bergstr. 3a
40699 Erkrath

Email or

The OpenPGP keys for these addresses can be found here.

Please do not send any attachments with ZIP files or HTML mails. They may be silently discarded. Note that this may include messages send as plain text plus HTML. If you need to send compressed data use GZIP or ask for advice.


📞 +49-2104-4938-790

Our local time is Europe/Berlin (UTC +1).

Legal Info

g10 Code GmbH is registered at Amtsgericht Wuppertal under HRB 14459.
Geschäftsführung: Werner Koch.
VAT-Id: DE215605608.

Privacy Policy

We do not track the use of this web site in any way. For technical reasons we keep log files of the web server for 7 days and of the mail server for 10 days. The data of these log files is only used in case of technical problems or abuse of the services. No such data is ever shared with external parties unless explicitly requested by the user. We use cookies only temporary for session management. See below on how we process received mails.

For details please read on; the responsible person for data privacy can be found at the end of this page.

Web site

This website uses log files to identify problems with the site and to monitor traffic for abuse. The log files are kept for a week and are then deleted.

The data from the log files is not shared with anyone; however within the first week system administrators have access to the log files to solve technical problems. In exceptional cases stripped down copies of the log files may be stored for longer to analyze problems spanning more than a week. These copies are deleted as soon as they are not anymore required to solve the problem.

Mailing system

We keep log files of the mail system for 10 days to analyze technical problems and for spam prevention. The IP addresses and sender addresses of incoming mails are compared to addresses we have on local black- and whitelists. We also compare the IP addresses agains DNS based blacklists. All mail is conveyed using TLS encryption if supported by the peer.

Received mail is stored and processed by an automated ticket system which forwards mail to addresses requested by the sender and persons assigned by g10code to handle service requests. All mails to addresses at and are considered business letters and archived or storred in a ticket system. This includes the mail addreses and names as well as the content of the mails. Clients may get temporary access to the ticket systems but are restricted to mails which are directly related to their service requests. Mails which are clearly identifiable as spam will not be archived.

Responsible person for data protection

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or need to get information on the data stored about you, write to the data protection officer at g10 Code:

Werner Koch, data-privacy at gnupg dot org (OpenPGP key)
g10 Code GmbH
Bergstr. 3a
40699 Erkrath

and mention the site You can expect a response within a week. If exceptionally you don't get a timely response please send a reminder or call us at the phone number given above.


Except when noted otherwise, these web pages are Copyright 2024 by g10 Code GmbH. Verbatim copying and distribution is permitted in any medium, provided this notice is preserved. The CSS of this site uses Pure-CSS which is Copyright 2013 Yahoo! Inc. and licensed under the BSD-3-Clause License.


GnuPG VS-Desktop® and GnuPG Desktop® are a registered trademarks of g10 Code GmbH. Our trademark policy can be found here.